Of Bulls and China Shops
Guys. I’m angry. And hurt. And wishing people would stop and think about who they’re hurting before they do things.
I’ve been in a class for some time now that is dedicated to the study of cults. One of the things we have been studying in light of cult movements recently is the MAGA movement.
And it has made me angry. Big angry.
Here is just one example of why.
Today, on my timeline, a Facebook friend of mine posted their opinion on who they want to be president in 2024.
It got me to thinking…this man they’re applauding is being charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the first degree AND has been held liable for sexual assault.
(The sexual assault would likely have been charged as rape but for the fact that it happened in 1996, and there is no PHYSICAL evidence to PROVE rape occurred.)
This is not, by far, the first time this man has had these allegations brought against him. We’re talking dozens of allegations; allegations which have never come to the court room and for which he has never stood trial.
This friend of mine is a professing Christian.
They talk loudly about how Jesus has saved them and how God is so good to them.
They are always quoting Bible verses and praising Jesus for their salvation.
Yay! Go them.
This same friend is reaching out trying to be an advocate for…you guessed it…victims of sexual assault.
Advocates do NOT get to do that.
You don’t get to help some victims and support some victims’ abusers.
I don’t care HOW powerful or rich they are.
You don’t get to pick and choose.
End. Of. Story.
Advocates. Listen up.
When you do this type of thing, you’re being proverbial bulls in china shops.
Creating chaos and broken shards and we are having to pick up the pieces behind you.
And we’re tired of it.
Tread softly.
Or get out of the china shop.